We decided to give a garden another go this year. Last year our garden was not a total flop so we're hoping this years will be even less of a flop. Anyway with that being said, I knew I wanted to start some "learning time" with Lylah as well. Now this learning time does not look like school. Most everything we have been doing is hands on and of course we read lots of books. Other than continuing on working on some very basic math and phonics skills, I thought it would be fun to have a topic as well! I decided that it would be totally appropriate to learn about gardens. So we've been talking about every plant we see outside and caring for our garden and Lylah's flowers. I also made this really fun sensory bin:
I used soil and some small pots as well as a toy trowel some worms (pipe cleaner pieces) and Lima bean seeds. I also made some little seed markers and put in sone fake flowers. Funny thing is much to my surprise when we opened the box to explore it.....
The Lima beans sprouted!!! I thought it was too cool and Lylah did too probably because I did :)
After talking about the parts of the Lima bean plant Lylah dug in....for about three minutes!! We'll try again when she is in a better mood-we've been fighting tummy yucky this week.
She did enjoy her soil play dough though!! It was actually chocolate play dough. I gave her little pots and fake flowers again plus some flower cookie cutters.
Next topic for July....transportation!