Our lil lady is a bit obsessed with transportation. She can spot any machine from a mile away and call it by it's proper name 9 times out of 10. So it just made since to have our July theme focus be transportation. Now our July was VERY busy so we didn't get as much fun in as I was hoping, but here are a few things we DID do.
Played with our construction sensory bin. Thanks Bebe and Papaw for the awesome little vehicles!!!
Painted with cars.
Made a traffic light out of paper pieces. We also played red light, green light which she loved!
Made and drove a cardboard box car. As soon as Nathan got home this day, Lylah said "show daddy green car". She was very impressed with this activity!
We even talked about vehicles at Bebe and Papaw's pool!!!
And the grocery store. She most defiantly cried when we had to leave!!
We also continued to watch for vehicles at our new library site.
Some other things we did was played with road playdough and hot wheels (how did I not get a picture of this??!), made ramps, raced hot wheels across the dining room floor, and read pretty much EVERY transportation book front the library! Oh, we watched Bob the Builder "On Site" DVDs too. Great time really learning about one of our little lady's favorite things! Next month we will focus on what else....Beach/Ocean.