Sunday, September 19, 2010

Almost twins

Saturday afternoon Lylah and I got to hang out with our buddy MLK!! There was training going on for school so I watched her while her mom, Beth had her round of meetings. We had lots of fun! The girls really played well together. They hugged each other, they took turns (sort of) hugging babies, it was great. At one point I thought it would be big fun to take them to the park. So, I called our neighbor to and borrowed her double stroller. I was able to get both girls out the door by holding their hands. I was really proud of myself. So proud in fact, that as we were walking to the park I got to thinking about what if I had twins. The girls are only about 3 months apart so I figured it wasn't that much different. Still very proud of myself, I decided that I would be able to handle it like a champ.....then we got to the park.

Things went fine as long as the girls were interested in the same things. It was when they got going in different directions that really threw me off!!! Also, MLK is much more of a dare devil then Lylah is so at one point she was at the top of a piece of playground equipment while Lylah was on the steps of the equipment. MLK kept going back and forth while Lylah wobbled on the stairs. This of course was my moment of realization that a single handed park trip was not easy with "twins"! :) We still had fun and I actually did snap a picture of the girls in the double stroller and once we got home that I wanted to share. Oh, and just in case you were toddlers were damaged during our little outing! That's a plus, right?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for watching her! She wants to know when she can come play with Lylah again, that is all she talked about Saturday night!
