Mini-post 1.
Lylah has a new favorite toy persay. It is "beddie", meaning a small baby doll quilt my mamaw made for me when I was young. First off let me say that my mamaw is a very special lady to me. She picked me up for church every Sunday growing up so needless to say, "beddie" was a special toy to me too!! I had plans of having it framed so I could hang it on the wall in our lil lady's room, but as soon as she found it (a couple weeks ago) she has loved it. She will lay down and say "beddie" and want to be covered up. She covers her babies and tells them "shhh". Sometimes she even just looks at it and giggles, hugging it tightly. So sweet! I hope she never stops calling it "beddie". Thanks mamaw for making "beddie" for me to enjoy and then pass down in love to my lil lady!
Mini-post 2.
My sister recently made me some cloth wipes. You may remember from some of my previous posts that we cloth diaper Lylah and LOVE it!!! Well, I've been wanting to use cloth wipes at home and on the go for a while as it just makes since with cloth diapers. Anyway, I love them too!!! I made some solution that I keep on the changing table (water, baby shampoo, and baby oil) and I just spray the wipe a bit before using it then I toss it in the pail with the diaper!! Easy peasy ham and cheesy!! Now we still plan on using disposable wipes when the lil lady's poos are out of control just for the sheer fact that they would be a bit yucky to rinse out :( All in all we are sure we have found a new cloth love!!
Mini-post 3.
Our lil' lady has a hat addiction, but only if SHE is the one who puts the hat on. I think it comes from the shear fact that three of her favorite guys wear hats often (daddy, poppy, and Nate- the babysitter's son). Here are some pica of her latest hats.
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