Thursday, March 31, 2011


...We've been battling sickness. I was actually out of school and in quarantine for two days. Nathan and Lylah then got whatever I had, just now as bad.

...We've been organizing the house a little at a time. We will eventually pick up the futon and cabinet Beth :)

...We've been filling out more adoption paper work and finishing our home study meetings! We love you Meredith.

...We've been taking up orders for Scentsy and seeing God provide again and again.

...We've been teaching Lylah some counting.

...We've been reading "Adopted for Life" and loving it.

...We've been enjoying Blue Bell banana pudding ice cream. A. LOT.

...We've been cracking up at our lil lady when she say "ewwww, diaper!".

...We've been cutting pancakes breakfast tickets, magnets, charms, and other crafts (to be revealed this week).

...We've been blessed.

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